Reactive Rover - Individual Session 7/24

Limited Availability

You must either be a student or past student of Dogs Unleashed or Partnership Dogs in order to join. You have the skills and knowledge, now is the time to apply them in a very structured, sub-threshold setting! 1-2 trainers will be present in order to coach, guide, and assist each participant. This is a great time to practice, apply, fine tune, and ask questions.

🐾 Class will be held on 20 acres, with visual barriers provided for healthy breaks for your pup, along with some objects to practice your doggy parkour

🐾 Limited to seven participants

New to dog training or to tackling your reactive rover? Stay tuned for our virtual group class offering coming soon!

Starting June 26th - This live in-person course will be held in South Salem at noon every Sunday, and each session will last about an hour.

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